Well...at three months, my regular clothes don't comfortably button around my growing waistline anymore. With a little help from the Bella Band, I can still wear them, though! Baby is the size of a peach/apple, and luckily, most of my nausea has subsided. Now I'm always hungry and VERY tired after school! And no (sorry Lea), we are not finding out what we're having...you'll all have to be surprised along with us in March!
Monday, September 7, 2009
D.C/N.C. 2009 continued!
After leaving D.C., we drove to Nags Head, N.C. to join the Deppe crew (25 adults, 24 kiddos) for a week of fun in the sun and sand!
The crew in the pool!
There were lots of sea creatures to enjoy - the kids caught little fish, hunted sand crabs at night, and we saw lots of dolphins!
The girls had lots of fun playing in the sand and looking for great seashells.
This is the house we stayed in this year...it was so beautiful!
Enjoying the water! It was quite warm and the water and waves were perfect for playing during most of the week. G and O are both getting great at body surfing! It was hard to get them out of the ocean!
Olivia - on her way to catch some waves!
By the end of the week, the waves got really huge (you can see some behind G) and the water temperature dropped from the aftermath of Hurricane Bill. We couldn't swim in the ocean (although a couple of brave souls tried surfing) so we played in the pool and went souvenir shopping instead.
The perfect end to summer!
Our last vacation as a family of four!
D.C/N.C. 2009!
On August 13, we drove to Washingon D.C. (well, Mike drove!), for a fun-filled, BUSY weekend. Cousin Jimmy was so nice and let us stay at his lovely home for three nights; each day we drove into downtown D.C. and had a blast. Lots of walking! (I didn't realize I couldn't turn pictures once they were imported onto the blog...sorry! You'll have to turn your head for now! I'm still learning!)
G taking a break in the shade - the weather was HOT!!!
We went to several Smithsonian Museums to find the artifacts used in Night at the Museum II. Here's Olivia with the Easter Island "Dumb-Dumb" statue from the movie!
And of course...Dorothy's ruby red slippers!
Here we are at the Lincoln Memorial.
Future photographer!
The girls took their own cameras and got lots of great shots of the city!
We HAD to stop for a snack at the Hard Rock Cafe,
where we saw Michael Jackson's leather jacket!
One of our favorite places to visit was Ford's Theater, where President Lincoln was shot.
The girls were really fascinated by seeing a pillow that still shows blood stains from his actual wounds.
Getting photos of the White House - no Obama sighting!
Mike and the girls in front of the Washington Monument. We got to go to the top because some friendly lady shared her extra tickets with us. The view of the city from the top is beautiful and we highly recommend it!
End of Season!
Sadly, summer must come to an end, which means saying goodbye to wonderful coaches like Coach Gwen from gymnastics and Coach Craig from softball. On Olivia's last day of gymnastics, we got to watch her show-off her skills in an open house. For Genavieve's last game, the other team forfeited, so the kids played against their parents instead!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Summer Fun!
What have we been up to this summer (which is going by way too quickly and not nearly hot and sunny enough for us beach bums!)?

Genavieve's 11th Birthday Party
Noah's Ark with

Olivia's 8th Birthday Party
Mike, G, O, and four friends braved the elements and slept in tents!
It was a beautiful night and we got to watch a movie outside by the campfire.
Our neighbors were patient enough not to call the police on the very LOUD "American Idol" show coming from our deck!

Cheering on Genavieve's Softball Team, the
T.O.B Breeze.
G usually plays short stop or third base; she has even had the chance to pitch!
It's so much fun watching her team who has come so far in one summer!

Swimming - we love hanging out at pools!

Ugh...the roof!
This was one week during which I'm certain Mike and I
communicated only through imperative statements! :)

Logan K's Baptism
I know I'm a little biased because I'm the auntie -
but come on...cutest baby in the world!!

T.O.B First Annual Brewer Outing
We're hoping that the Second Annual Outing is not 200 degrees!!
Despite the heat, we had a fabulous time with the T.O.B. crew and the kids were real troopers!
And, the Brew Crew really pulled through with an exciting winning game!

It was so fun to have all the Kopesky Granddaughters together. Logan N. wasn't very convinced she wanted her picture taken initially...it's amazing what a little candy can do, though!

G, Garrett, and Karsten all went down The Point of No Return!

Mike's First Trip to Memorial Union
We spent a fun day golfing and enjoying Madison with Lea and Casey!
Plus, I got a free tutorial on setting up this blog! (Thank you, Lea!)
By the way, the second hardest situation to be pregnant in and thus unable to enjoy a cocktail/beer - visiting your alma mater!!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Fourth of July
For the fourth, we traveled to Three Lakes, WI, with Zwettlers, Fawvers, Zuithoffs, and Manda and Steve. Olivia proved to be quite the fisherman, while Genavieve is becoming an accomplished boater!! We also enjoyed tubing, floating, bags, campfires, and a holiday parade! 

A New Project
Mike and I are attempting to start a family blog. We hope to keep it up to date so that all of you can follow on our family adventures!
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