Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Children's Play Gallery
Mike, Hudson, and I headed out to the Children's Play Gallery in Delafield on Tuesday of our Winter Break. It was a really fun place for Hudson to play and explore! He loved the big-kid activities like going down the slide, playing in the ball pit, and looking at the "animals".

Monday, December 27, 2010
Snow Bunnies
Olivia loves the snow. She is always the first one out and the last one in when we finally get a good snow fall. It blows my mind because it felt like just yesterday that she was too little to stay out for long hours with Genavieve and Mike building snow forts, so she'd come in to have hot cocoa with me. Now, she's the big sister and my little man is the one heading in for a warm cuddle.
Hudson's First Christmas!!!
What a fun time we had celebrating the holiday with loved ones! On Christmas Eve, Mike, Hudson and I each opened one present and had a lovely dinner together. Then, we all woke up bright and early (no alarm clock needed!) on Christmas morning (G&O too!) to lots of presents under the tree! We spent the middle of the day at Tom & Chip's (Genavieve made her first appearance as Santa!) and then traveled down to Mom & Dad's for the evening. It was so fun experiencing it with Hudson...who was a very good boy through all of the festivities!

Saturday, October 30, 2010
WOW...has it been so long since I last posted?
Since going back to school, the days fly by so quickly that I've been doing a terrible job of keeping up with the blog. (Probably not a big surprise to those that know me well!) However, now even my husband is wondering when it will be updated! SOON!!!
Here are some updates to hold you over -
Hudson is crawling, standing along furniture and beginning to take a few steps (ie...walking along the coffee table), hamming it up with "So Big", and eating three meals a day. His first tooth also broke through just the other day - which meant some very sleepless nights for mommy and daddy - so bad that we stopped in to have the doctor check him out and sure enough, there was a bit of an ear infection in there as well. I'd have a hard time sleeping, too! So, we got him some medicine and now he's sleeping like a champ (knock on wood)!
Genavieve and Olivia just had parent-teacher conferences and we're so proud they are both doing so well. Genavieve just finished up her cross country season and went to her first middle school dance with friends. Olivia begins volleyball in two weeks.
Photos will be here soon! I promise... :)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sara Ann's Bridal Shower
Little Caged Animal
First Bike Ride
Ready for Solids!!
Visit at Nana's
Graduation Parties
We attended several of graduation parties this summer. Congrats to Cory, Holly, and Ashton! ( be young and off to college again!!!) In these pictures, we're at Uncle Dean and Aunt Tracy's house for Ashton's party. It was a beautiful day to be on the lake. The kids and Mike enjoyed playing on the water. Little Logan was so fun to watch, too!

4 Months Old!
Three Year Anniversary
On July 14, Mike and I had our hard to believe it's already been three years! To celebrate, we went out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants - Sazzy B's - while Hudson stayed with Nana and Papa. It was our first night out without him! He was a very good boy for Nana, and after one martini, Mommy was even able to relax and enjoy the night! ;)

Hudson Loves to Play
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Fourth of July
Our Fourth of July festivities in Three Lakes, WI, with our dear friends, the Zwettlers, Zuithoffs, and Fawvers, has become an annual tradition. We have so much fun relaxing, boating, fishing, eating, and drinking at the Fawver's idyllic lake setting! This year was a whole new experience with baby in tow! Hudson experienced his first boat ride and parade!
I love these pictures of the little boys - Cooper, Carter, and Hudson - in their festive holiday-wear...they look like little Elton Johns!

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